The music in the game gets you in to the BC feeling. Sound: The cries of pain and the yells of defeat and the chariots and the burds cheerping is very solid and enjoyable. When a rock or tree falls down it looks a little poorly done. The envuroments are plain at some parts but through the level they could inhance. The models of the people are slighty plain and not that well detailed. Graphics: Visual appeal doesn't show 100% of the xbox's capability of the graphics. If you have a strong warrior they will take a lot of damage off there opponent. If you have a heavy guy you won't bump around as much. Each of the teams are different in many ways. Each chariot is equipped to ride in different ways. Easy to drive the chariots and fighting on it also.

Gameplay: The controls are perfect for this game and made perfectly well. A surprisingly solid game that you should definatly check out for a unique chariot racing adventure. The enviroments give you the roman empire time feeling. They say stuff that only people from 2002 and the 90's would say. A minor problem is that the people of this roman empire talk like it is in the present. The fighting is great and there is an instant reaplay feature that would let you see you crash into or fall off a cliff several times over and oer again. There are many different teams to choose from such as the Romans, Gladiators, Aztechs and much others. Plenty of game modes and multiplayer options to choose from. Very fun,but the game could get a little repetitive but would take you a long time to get completely bored of it.