If the service is stopped, attempt to start it manually.NOTE: The Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator service is not typically running. Locate the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service and ensure it is running.Open the Services console on the server.The following steps may be useful in troubleshooting the issue. Connectivity issues: The client may be unable to reach the server at all due to a general network problem.Traffic blocked by firewall: A firewall or other security application on the server, or a network firewall appliance between the client and server, may be preventing traffic from reaching the server on TCP port 135.Alternatively, the server's name may not be resolving at all. Name resolution issues: The RPC server's name may be resolving to the wrong IP address, resulting in the client contacting the wrong server or attempting to contact an IP address not in use.Stopped RPC service: If the RPC service on the server is not running, the client obviously cannot reach it.Possible causes of the "RPC server unavailable" error include the following: The server responds with the IP address and port number that the service registered with RPC when it started. The client then contacts the service on that IP address and port. In a typical RPC session, a client contacts a server's endpoint mapper on TCP port 135 and requests the dynamic port number that is assigned to a particular service. The RPC endpoint mapper listens on this static port.

RPC uses dynamic ports for communication between computers, but a static port (TCP port 135) must also be used as a starting point for communication. Numerous integrated Windows components use RPC. Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is a mechanism that allows Windows processes to communicate, either between a client and server across a network or within a single computer. It can also occur during local operations on a machine. For clarity, in this article, the machine initiating RPC communication is designated the client, and the machine with which it communicates is the server. "The RPC server is unavailable" is a common error in Windows that occurs in a wide variety of situations, most of them involving communication between two machines across a network.